A quick script to import data from my bank to GnuCash
Technology and society
Here’s a quick awk script I did to convert the bank statements from my bank to a format recognizable by GnuCash:
# A simple filter to mould the csv from nordea into
# something that can be swallowed by gnucash.
FS = ";";
RS = "\n";
OFS = ";";
ORS = "\n";
# Regex for matching a date
DATE = /^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}$/;
# Only lines starting with a date should be printed
$2 ~ DATE {
# Strip negative sign from withdraw column
withdraw = gensub(/\-/, "", "g", $8);
print $2,$4,$6,withdraw,$10;
It could probably be shorter. I could drop setting the RS/ORS, but I like to be explicit. In addition to fixing the polarity of the withdrawals column it strips away all the lines that don’t contain any transactions. I don’t need them, and this saves me from having to do it manually in GnuCash.
Not anything revolutionary, but thought I’d share it anyways.