Books and comics
In this section I write about books, comics, and anything else related to literature.Occult London

Occult London by Merlin Coverley, Oldcastle Books
I picked up this book at an exhibition of the works of William Blake at Tate Britain, London late 2019. Not sure if it was there on the occation of the exhibition, or if i it’s a regular merchanise at the museum store. In any case it looked interesting, and so it followed me out.
The book is roughly divided into two sections. First a historical section detailing the many and colourful persons and stories related to the subject — and that has some connection to the city. Then a section listing the many sites of the city with some occult historical significance.
Both sections are entertaining, and contains a wealth of information for the tourist wanting to explore this side of London. The author seems to know both the city and it’s occult history well, but also keeps a somewhat ironic distance to the subject.
I found Occult London to be an entertaining read, and definitely one that will be part of the planning on my next trip to the city.
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know cover (CC BY-SA v3.0)
As the title suggets, this is a book filled with pretty obvious advice for programmers. That is not the same as to say it’s not worth reading though. On the contrary: I like this book, and think it is a good addition to any programmers bookshelf.