I en av mine mange epostkontoer dumpet det inn en epost som utgir seg for å
være fra FN’s høykommisær for fluktninger (UNHCR), hvor han ber om donasjoner
til Ukraina i form av kryptovaluta i Bitcoin eller Ethereum.
Dette er selvsagt ren svindel!
Her er en dump av eposten jeg fikk:
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 20:46:49 -0500
From: UNHCR <info@unhcr.org>
To: Recipients <info@unhcr.org>
Subject: Urgent Appeal
Good day,
I hope this message meets you in good condition.
The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi has stated
that the humanitarian consequences on civilians of this conflict between Russia
and Ukraine will be devastating.“Countless lives will be torn apart. We have
already seen reports of casualties and people starting to flee their homes to
seek safety.” We urgently need your help to continue providing life-saving
protection to families forced to flee their homes.UNHCR has stepped up our
operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
We remain firmly committed to support all affected victims in Ukraine. Your
support can help ensure that people fleeing Ukraine are sheltered and safe. A
dollar or 1 euro can save a soul. God bless please donate now via crypto
currency (Bitcoin or ETH)
BTC Address: bc1qew84sy420cgftvpffeefd7xekns00cr6qss5y8
ETH Address: 0xfEF8e91a447115fA88e0a65a180660dAEfD6E087
We appreciate your donation.
High Commissioner Filippo Grandi
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Såvidt jeg kan se så har ingen av adressene sett noen transaksjoner enda,
så det tyder på at ingen har latt seg lure.
Skjermdump fra bitcoin explorer
som viser ingen transaksjoner og null beholdning på svindlernes bitcoun addresse.
Skjemdump fra ethereum explorer
som viser ingen transaksjoner og null beholdning på svindlernes ethereum addresse.