Tag: Ramaskrik
Poster merket med «Ramaskrik»:
Ramaskrik 2018

Still from One Cut of the Dead.
Ramaskrik 2018 was held Oct 19 - 22 of that year. This post is based on the reviews I did on my social network profile during the festival.
Ramaskrik 2017

Another year, another Ramaskrik Horror Film Festival! As always it has been a memorable weekend filled with lots of horror movies, old and new friends, beers and generally a great time.
Ramaskrik 2016

One of the attractions this year was the screening of Howl from an old train car at Oppdal station.
This report from the Ramaskrik Horror Film Festival of 2016 has taken way too long to finish. My apologies for that. We’re now only a about a month and a half away from the next Ramaskrik, which I’m very much forwards to it! Anyways here is my report from four days dedicated in full to horror films, beers and socializing with other horror fans.
Ramaskrik 2015

The entrance to Oppdal Kulturhus and Ramaskrik!
Here’s my personal summary of the Ramaskrik Horror film festival at Oppdal this year. I’ve been to Ramaskrik once before, but only for a short stop of one day. That was a very positive experience, so this year I wanted to go for the full festival.