Tag: slasher
Poster merket med «slasher»:
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (USA, 1974)

It’s been ages since I saw Tobe Hoopers timeless classic for the first time, and it’s been on my list for a rewatch for quite a while. While the legend is probably greater than the movie itself, I think the film still holds a good grasp on its audience. It was not the only, but definitely one of the main reasons the Norwegian film review board for home videos were established in the early 1980’s, and thus caused a thriving underground scene for trading uncut and banned horror films in Norway. Ah those were the days… But I digress.
The film is remarkably restrained in it’s portrayal of violence compared to the later films it has inspired. There’s virtually no blood to be seen, and while the chainsaw is waved about ferociously, we never (with one exception) get to see it actually cut into any humans. At the same time it’s sinister score, cinematography and narrative style is unsurpassed in the genre, even though it has been attempted copied many times.
That said, this is a disturbing and exceptionally violent film which definitely isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. If on the other hand, you only have seen the films it inspired, or the imo quite bad 2003 remake, check out the original and you’re in for a treat!